Note: Embedded clips, may get "blocked content" warning to allow loading/playing.

Florida Gran Prix Riders Assn/FGPRA Home Movies

I had my camcorder film from the late 70's digitized.
Most cover practices/races I was in, a few I filmed of other classes.
Not good quality, some riders recognizable by bike/leathers. OK to save/edit for screen shots/clips.
There is no audio. I removed "home movie" footage (traveling, inside van and ex-wife) from videos.

Clips from Daytona (1978/1979?), mostly the 250GP class I ran.
Empty grandstands indicate Oct race meet, not Bike Week races.

Right click here, "Save Link As" to download

Clips from Gainesville (1978/1979?)

Some combined practice, mostly my classes on TZ250 (GP2) and H1 triple (Cafe3/GP3),
I filmed some other races. First clip probably 1977-1978. Second clip probably 1978-1979.

Right click here, "Save Link As" to download first (uncompressed)

Right click here, "Save Link As" to download second (uncompressed)

Me in pits with my first TZ (from Stan Friduss, in videos) and
my first set of leathers (HTF used for 6-foot rider, from John Long, thanks).
The first year I raced the TZ, was the last year AMA had the 76 mile Novice 250 race.
The next year AMA dropped the Novice class and made the 250 class it's own points series.