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Ronald Hendricks / Homeowner of 47 Brooks Dr
Physical assaults I am aware of, most are documented.

My experiences since moving into 49 Brooks Dr involving the homeowner next door.
These are incidents with physical assaults/fights. 3 charges for assaulting me, felony assault
on a neighbor, plus 3 fights with tenant couple, a neighbor on bicycle and another tenent.

During 2015 when we were friends, ron punched a tenent
Ron bragged, doing a little "Rocky" dance, about hitting the tenent (Bob) in the face and knocking him down.
The police were there the following day while the tenent retrieved his belongings/equipment from ron's property.
I have not sought the police report when they were protecting the tenent, it may refer to the altercation previous day.

12/16/15- first assault on me (P153500685), struck in shoulder by thrown object
When I started removing fence post toppers to bring the fence on my property to legal height, Hendricks removed and
threw one at me, hitting me in the shoulder. The bruising came up over next couple days (photo below) and limited range
of upper arm motion for about a week. Misdemeanor assault charge was filed but dropped by the State Attorney
6 months later because he could not prove item thrown over 6 foot fence was intended to hit me.

7/5/16- assault/fight with neighbor riding bicycle, ron pushed him off stopped bicycle
Police report P161872275 shows a call to 911 but neighbor had left before they got there.
Our mailman mentioned the altercation and neighbor involved (Dave). I spoke to the neighbor, he was talking to
neighbors east side of of ron who started harassing, pushed him off bicycle, they struggled but neighbor "won"(?).
Dave lived here back when ron was harassing the previous owner of my property.

12/21/16- ron swings at me over the 4' side fence, no contact
When I get home after a Code Enforcement hearing, I see ron by fence, start phone recording before getting out of my car,
walking to front door. ron starts harassing, calls me to fence, then swings at me, starts to pickup rock/brick before realizing
my phone is recording. I did not call police since no contact but saved video to show intent was to harm and unprovoked.

8/3/17- second (reported) assault on me, struck in back by thrown object
During an argument, ron throws a metal gravy boat at me, misses, then throws another, hitting me in the back.
There was no injury but security video shows without question he intended to hit me. He changed plea from not guilty
to no contest and was convicted. No fine, but a repeat misdemeanor assault would be handled as a felony.

First clip shows assault- objects being thrown (audio out until first object hits fence).
Second clip- cause of argument, 6:53am ron drops a large metal wheelstand by my window.
Third clip- 7:04am phone video showing metal wheelstand in driveway by my window.

9/12/17- felony assault (2017 304336 CFDB) on neighbor, pummelled with brick, face and back
During an argument with a neighbor (disabled veteran) in the 12-foot wide right-of-way between the street and ron's
front property line, ron grabbed the neighbor's beard. They struggled, then Ron went up by his house to grab a brick.
the neighbor followed up into the yard and was beaten with the brick. A neighbor (Joy) witnessed this, stating Ron was
repeating "I'll kill you" (just barely audible in video) while striking the neighbor with a brick. Fencing blocked my security
camera from most of the beating but shows the neighbor tries to escape, only to be hit in the back with the brick, dragged
back behind the fence and beaten until the other neighbor walked by (she had been harassed by ron since late 2015).
Because the neighbor had followed onto ron's property, the State Attorney dropped the assault charge.

First video below is the entire fight (5 minutes):
9:38 ron grabs neighbor's beard while arguing, 9:40 neighbor tries to escape, only to be pulled back, beaten more.
9:41 another neighbor walking by in street, stops, ron sees her and stops beating the neighbor who staggers out.

Second clip is just when neighbor tries to escape, hit in the back with brick and pulled back out of camera view.
Photo of neighbor (a disabled veteran) two days later.

1/17/18- dispute/fight with couple renting garage apartment
Police report P180170153 shows ron calling 2am, P180170356 woman called 5am after ron turned off the power
and left the property. The boyfriend knocked on my door, waking me, asking to charge his phone.
He explained what happened and I loaned him a flashlight. The police arrived after that.
The tenents moved out the next day (returned my flashlight) but did not file any charges on ron.
The boyfriend was on probation. no telling what ron may have threatened him with if he pursued charges.

4/7/18- ron tries to file assault charges on another neighbor for "spitting" on him
Ron tried to file assault charges against another neighbor (Mike) for spitting (P180971625). The police reviewed my
security video with audio, shows the neighbor was yelling "Pussy" at ron, not intentionally spitting, police refused
to write charges against neighbor. Police did tell me "spitting" on someone was considered an assault.
So assault is "unwanted physical contact", not requiring "intent to harm".

Video clips- 4:32 ron accuses Mike of spitting, video shows Mike just yelling "pussy" several times.

Second video- entire 6 minute altercation between ron and neighbors Mike/Marilyn:
My a/c running until 4:31, ron arguing with neighbor Mike, then Marilyn (Mike's mother).
Ron insulting/defaming them and at 4:35, ron telling Marilyn to move.

11/16/20- third (reported) assault on me, used a hose to strike my hand holding my phone
During an argument about an air hose looped over the fence, ron throws it over the fence to "lasso"
my hand holding phone/taking video. No injury but intention to hit my hand clear and contact made.
Charge (2020 305553 CFDD) being handled as felony due to previous assault/conviction.

First clip from security camera showing hose being looped over my hand.
Second video from my phone (I try to cut hose but my fence in way).