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Ronald Hendricks / Homeowner of 47 Brooks Dr
Examples of defamation at public Code Board hearings.

My experiences since moving into 49 Brooks Dr involving the homeowner next door.
Harassment, verbal and physical, from Dec 2015-present.

We were friends 2014-Nov 2015, then he was charged for misdemeanor assault (hit me with fence post topper).
Hendricks stated he would harass me every day until I moved and began a campaign of verbal/noise harassment.
I started making reports to Code Enforcement, trying to make Hendricks understand he could not just do whatever
he wanted (reason he wanted me gone), there are County rules he must comply to. This is ongoing and has resulted in a
few Code Board hearings. In these public hearings, Hendricks has made many false statements about me (and things
he has done). Below are two examples which have made it so the Code Board discounts or dismisses my tesitimony.
Code violations result in fines because there is some "damage" considered done. That "damage" is happening to me
when Code Enforcement intentionally fails to enforce codes or rejects my testimony (including security video)
due to Hendricks' knowingly making false statements which they buy into.

8/15/18 Code Board hearing audio recorded from County web site:
This is one segment where along with other false statements at 2min 37 Sec in, hendricks testifies under oath
that I called a woman at his house "the n-word" (after claiming he "does nothing to this guy").

7/15/20 Code Board hearing audio recorded from County web site:
This is one segment where after I testify (through zoom, not in person) about a trailer illegally parked several
days, at 9min 39 Sec in, hendricks repeatedly tells the Code Board that I am lying when he knows I am not. The
Code Board dismisses my testimony (and offer to provide security videos) so Hendricks avoided a fine he should
have been charged and continues committing parking violations. I have a page set up to show why simple parking
violations have become much more, reminding neighbors reporting violations are pointless.

Hendricks repeated defamation at Code Board hearings (and directly to County employees) since 2016 have
damaged/ruined my credibility in getting violations handled. The 2nd audio clip below, 6min 11 Sec in, has
Inspector Robert Chayer falsley testifying that the trailer was connected to the truck on 6/18.

12/16/20 Code Board hearing audio from County records request:
Broken into segments, various accusations, most Hendricks knows are false (Perjury) and defamatory.
Hendricks cited for parking truck in the front yard (Repeat Violation), was still there 12/2/20 where inspector drove by.
Normally, Enforcement would contact Hendricks so he could move before they drove by so "no violation observed".
This is why nearly all Complaints result in no violation. Not because the violation did not occur.
Board fined him $100 for one day.

In this hearing, Hendricks falsely claims I tried to run him over 12/6/20, actual video below.
Also repeats previous false statements, unrelated to the parking violation on 12/2/20.
Hendricks claims he has to unload groceries at his front door due to injuries but has no problem
loading/unloading appliances and materials in/out of back yard.

Starts off claiming he is afraid of me, that I tried to run him over in his yard (video above).

Lies about sneaking a woman into his back door to avoid visiblity.
Details at bottom of this page

Lies about rotten wood (no nails) from his yard, picked up from my yard, thrown back on his property.

Lies about taking care of his property, see "junkyard" page.
Claims injuries as reason for parking in yard (but loads/unloads truck into back yard all the time)
and never for more than 5-10 hours. See "parking" page.

Claims "they served him with a no trespassing" which is false.

Reinterates the false story that I tried to run him over in his yard (video above).

Claims I threaten him and play a 911 recording "all day", see "noise" page and "police" page.

Claims he did not try and hit my hand with hose, see "assault" page

Claims he "don't bother that man", see "verbal" page.